
Showing posts from May, 2016

Looking for ways to keep your toddler engaged?

Talk to any parent today. Perhaps the hardest challenge for them is to keep their toddler/preschooler busy while they complete the most important household chores in the morning. Keeping a 2 year old glued to his/her place is probably the only activity in the world that needs a lot of creativity. This is a situation faced by mothers or primary caregivers in the house (when the mother is a working mum) in most families.  Sometimes, we need to find an activity that will engage them steadily for at least an hour so that we can continue our kitchen work at a stretch without much worries. Can a bucket of building blocks do that trick? No. Can a game of blowing bubbles from soap water help out? Not really. You need someone along to play this one. Can an episode on lions on tigers on television achieve the target? Not always.  Just like any other working mother who tries to crack this challenge at some point of time, I was breaking my head too. After all, I had to find a so...

You love to define 'mothers', don't you? - A letter to the world!

Dear World, Today, May 8, is Mothers' Day. #MothersDay is trending on Twitter,Facebook and so is the content everywhere, praising mothers to glory. As usual, I had been receiving a lot of forward messages and heartfelt wishes for being a mother, performing the 'holiest' role in the entire Universe. But, I would like to write to you, the World, on what I feel when I see that you love to 'define' mothers in so many ways. When I opened today's newspapers to read, a thought dawned upon me. Almost the entire supplement of the newspaper was filled with articles focussing on 'the mother'. Beginning from celebrities who spoke about how their mothers were their inspiration, how they would share anything under the sun with their mothers, how their mothers had sacrificed all their passion to just take care of them and their family to how 'mothers' were an inspiration to successful entrepreneurs. And then there was this article which was defining th...

This is my story, and yours as well !

Book Review : A sip of love and a sip of coffee Author: Ganga Bharani Released in : May 2016 Genre: English Romance I can't live without coffee. And can someone live without love? No. Neither can I. Honestly, this is my first time in writing a book review and I am so happy to review my friend's (I think I can take the liberty to call her my soulmate) book : A sip of love and a sip of coffee. I still remember, about 10 years ago, how his presence would create butterflies in my stomach. After all, we were in our teens. I don't know if I created the same feeling in him too but I was least bothered. A great friend, someone I would turn to most of the time be it happiness or distress. We were too close friends that time. I am not sure if I would call that friendship or crush or infatuation or love. We had too many terms to even try and understand them. But, even without understanding all that, didn't we all have this one (more than one) high school sweethear...