3 Take-Aways for Product Entrepreneurs from Roadside Vendors

A few days back, I was driving along the Mahalingapuram road (Chennai) which I guess has the most number of watermelon sellers during summer time. I am extremely fond of watermelons. I can even eat a watermelon entirely by myself at one go. I am crazy about this particular fruit. How would I not stop to have a break and relish this fruit after spending a scorching summer day in Chennai?

I stopped my vehicle. And through out my experience and observation, I noticed that these small time vendors have a lot to tell our product entrepreneurs or anyone who wants to start a business.

Point 1: The Welcome
'Vaanga akka, vaanga" (Come, sister, Come!)
She has been standing under a tree's shade right from the morning. She just has a make-shift stool made out of an old vegetable storage wooden box. But every time she spots a potential customer, her face brightens up and she welcomes them with a smile. What a contrast to some of those sales staff spending their day inside an air-conditioned showroom and yet not bother to help the customer in picking what they want! This fruit seller is not only excited to have a customer at her shop but also peps up the customer's mood. Who knows, she might pick up a short chatty conversation and sell of an extra bowl of fruits too.

Point 2: The Variety
There is a suitable product for everyone's need. It is a watermelon stall. What do you expect? Tens and twenties of watermelons sliced into C-shaped eats and offered to the customer. But, what if you were someone who didn't like to mess up your face and attire while digging into those slices of watermelons? They dice it for you. You can choose to have the 'cut-fruits' bowl, stylishly picking up pieces with a toothpick they give you and enjoy without the mess. I noticed that mostly the women prefer eating this way (not stereotyping, just an observation..btw, I love to dig and eat at home, but while on the road, I would choose the non messy way :P ). For those who want to take it home and eat it with family, you can always buy the whole fruit.

Not to forget that the price differs accordingly. A few years ago, vendors just used to sell the entire fruit for some 30 or 40 Rs. But, now it's more value-added and more profitable. He can sell ten slices from one watermelon for Rs.10 each and there, he has made his profit!

By the way, there is a juice counter for those who are too lazy to bite and find it easier to gulp down the fruit as juice ;)

Point 3: The Display
The entire stretch of this road has watermelon vendors such that when you stand and watch from one end of the road, it looks as if its lined with red coloured flags on either sides. Everyone has displayed their product uniformly that you will definitely want to stop by. One of them had also displayed a different variety of yellow watermelon slices.

This point mainly applies for those who plan to set up a physical space for your business. It could be for a product or service or even a start-up office space. The design matters a lot. If it reflects and resonates with your brand, it will reflect in your employees' personality as well.

I strongly believe that every single speck of life that I observe everyday as I travel has something to tell me. I specifically wanted to share this spark of thought with you all. Hope to post more such stuff if you love reading it.

Please drop in your comments! :)

Much love,


  1. yes it is true some of the salesmen are WOODEN FACED

  2. Well written Hari, like the welcome part.

  3. Well written Hari, like the welcome part.


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