Do I fit in? Yes, I do!

'Should I be giving her a banana at 10 AM or some ragi porridge?' 'Will she feel hungry after 2 hours for lunch if I feed her ragi porridge now?' 'Is it okay to bribe her into this so she eats her dinner?' 'Oh! I feel so guilty letting her watch rhymes on Youtube!' For me, the doubt of whether I fit quite right 'as a mother' dawned the moment I entered motherhood. My initial days of motherhood were filled with an overhaul of mixed emotions. A sprinkle of joy, a dash of doubtfulness, and waves of emotions that I wasn't confident to handle. There were so many days when I strongly felt that 'I don't quite fit right into the role of a mother'. I was 24 years old when I became a mother. So, there was this constant fight with the devil mind which kept telling me that I should have had a baby few years later. Especially, when you see your college seniors staying single till 27 and 28, without thinking about what to cook for ...