How to make a simple DIY return gift

My daughter Dhwani turned two this week. I always like to make events memorable for people, giving them something personalized and hand-made is a feel-good factor. For this birthday, we had a small get-together at home with relatives. I made a customized origami doll as return-gifts. This is also a creative home activity for toddlers aged 4 - 7. DIY Doll as return gift: # Instructions # DIY # Returngift # Birthday Requirements: 1) Origami square craft paper (You will get it in stationery shops), 2) Ice-cream sticks 3) Foam sheet(You will get it in A4 size in huge stationery shops, some of them also come with glitter stuck all over on one side and plain on other side) 4) Fevicol Tube 5) CD Marker - Black 6) Cellotape - Transparent 7) Scissors/ Paper cutter knice to cut out foam sheet Step 1: This link on Youtube will tell you how to make a simple origami dress: . You can make...