Keep 'creating'!

For almost all of us every morning dawns with a thought: Will I be happy today?
What happens if we consciously tweak that thought a little bit? Change the question: What am I going to do today to make myself happy?

One way which I have discovered that keeps me happy is 'to create'. Be it creating a nice dish to eat, creating a piece of art for my daughter or creating a piece of writing straight from my heart. I did one of this recently and I have been having exciting moments since then. I would like to register these moments on my blog through this post.
I recently wrote an article for Women's Web online magazine about 5 reasons why employers should hire mothers. I published the same post on LinkedIn with a backlink to the original article. I have been receiving a great response for this article..Right from 1100+ views, 13 shares, 22 comments, this has been an extraordinary achievement to me personally. I won't compare myself to anybody else. This came straight from my heart and I am so happy with the ripples it is creating. I have had someone from as far as China viewing and commenting on the article. This is a great motivation to me and I will continue to write more, tell more stories that people will love to read. 

If you would like to read the article on Women's Web, here it is:

I look ahead to learn more about the online world and also write more to represent the mothers of the world. If you would like to support/join/discuss/give feedback and ideas, write to me:

With much love,


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